May, 2020
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a fully coloured drawing of a single character of choice, paired with a second image of a minimalistic detail that represents the character.
/ colored background is optional.
/ portrait or bust only.
/ examples linked below!
coloured portrait

a fully colored drawing of a couple of choice, paired with a second image of the color palette used.
/ colored background is optional.
/sketchy lines.
/ can include lyrics to a song of choice.
/ bust or waist up only.
/ examples linked below!
coloured couple
1. i will draw fanart, original characters and real life people. visual references are appreciated.
2. i won't draw furry art, explicit nsfw or over detailed elements such as mecha or heavy armor.
3. you can ask for mild nsfw, additional characters to be included in the coloured couple option or any sort of background (additional fees might be charged).
4. more complicated details, shading or characters might also increase the final price of the art.
5. there will be only seven slots available.
6. payment is through paypal only.
7. the art requested will be adapted to my personal style, please don't request me to mimic other people's styles.
8. if you are brazilian, the prices might differ and payment can be processed through money transferring. please contact me if that's the case!
9. please read the terms of services (linked below) and feel free to contact me in case there are any questions!